Henrik Mårtensson

Business Management Consulting

A world where everyone can reach their full potential!


Crawford Slip brainstorming – Part of the Strategic Navigation strategy development process.


  1. BulletStrategic Navigation – You and your executive team will spend four intense days working through a real strategic planning cycle. The end result is a set of executable strategical and tactical plans for solving real problems and/or starting new initiatives in your organization. This workshop is always held on location, at your premises.
    Duration: 4 days
    Price: SKR 30,000 per person (minimum 4 participants)

  2. BulletProblem solving – Learn to work out logical solutions to management problems using structured tools. Participants work in small groups, using visual problem solving methods to solve management problems.
    Duration: 1 day
    Price: SKR 4,700 per person

  3. BulletPresentation design – Join the fight against Death by PowerPoint! During the workshop you will learn basic presentation design, where to find good source material, and how to avoid common traps. You will also hold a short presentation.
    Duration: 1 day
    Price: SKR 4,300 per person

Tempo! is used as standard course material for all Strategic Navigation and Problem solving workshops held in Sweden.

Each participant receives printed and PDF versions.